
Digital Stack is purpose built for franchise and multi-location brands to execute all key marketing activities, this includes print.

Whilst many brands feel print is dead, it is one of the few places left where you do not have to compete with the over stimulation of content on social media and television. When print is used correctly it is a very powerful marketing channel.

Digital Stack allows brands to upload all types of print content and make it available to their network.

Print format examples

Digital Stack supports everything from small to large scale print formats, multi-page, and all can be downloaded as PDF or sent direct to a printer.

Head offices have the power to:

Streamline your printing process, and ensure it stays on brand.

Nominate a preferred print supplier

Prevent downloading artwork in favour of sending to a supplier

Allow locations to choose their own approved printer, making it a competitive marketplace for suppliers

Allow locations to order, purchase and deliver for one or all locations

Create set campaign packages

"Digital Stack not only allows me to plan out all of my digital marketing, it allows me to organise and order print for all of my studios in one go. Saves me hours each month."
Athanasi Comino
9Round Miami

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